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Funny tweets everyone who has tried self-tan can relate to

Do you remember the time before Tanrevel® when we tried to get that perfect sun-kissed look with regular self-tanner? Yeah, it wasn’t always a success story. Sometimes we got an okay color, but other times... well, let’s just say the results were quite entertaining. Here are some funny tweets reminding us why we’re never going back to the old methods:

"Used self-tanner to not look pale, and now everyone tells me I have dirt on my face. BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS SAID I LOOK PALE."

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIIIRRREEE!!! No, wait, it’s just a bad fake tan."

"Other women using self-tanner: Look naturally glowing with perfect, even color. Me when I use self-tanner: Look like a dirty cheese puff."

"Whoever needs to hear this: do not use self-tanner to contour your nose at 1 a.m."

"What does it look like? Like I just got off a horse after riding 100 miles. What it actually is? Letting the self-tanner dry and not letting my thighs touch each other."

"Just realized my three-year-old found my self-tanner. This could get very interesting, perfect timing for this year’s Christmas card..."

"You can either have me take an IQ test or just watch me apply self-tanner and draw your own conclusions."

"The line is thin between looking sun-kissed and looking like you rolled in Doritos."

"Donald Trump applies better self-tanner than Swedish girls."

"How is applying self-tanner not an Olympic event?"

"Need to let go of my 'how bad can it get' attitude towards self-tanner, because it can obviously go really bad."

"Trying self-tanner for the first time. Waking up like Björn Ranelid."

"Love self-tanner? Today I’m as tan as Doctor Mikael."

"What do you mean self-tanner? I’m sun without tan."

"What is that? Self-tanner. Oh. Why? For tonight. Want to be tanned! Oh. But the sun’s coming out now. Or... What? I’m dating a dad without kids."

"Exciting that the child apparently soaped up with my shower self-tanner. Will update tomorrow on whether I need to file a child protection report on myself."

"Woke up this morning and thought about life’s big questions. What happens after death, is there a god, and how do you make self-tanner look good on hands."

"Funniest thing this morning was when dad was rubbing his legs with self-tanner thinking it was regular lotion, hahaha."

"The feeling when you wake up and realize you mixed up hand cream with self-tanner last night."

"Dad had dry lips, so he grabbed the first cream in the bathroom. It was self-tanner. Looks like a 3-year-old who’s eaten spaghetti bolognese."

"This thing with self-tanner. IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE to do without looking like a carrot-obsessed chain smoker with jaundice on the hands?"

DO YOU RECOGNIZE YOURSELF IN THESE TWEETS? Do you wish it was easier to get a nice sun-kissed look at home without having to go to a salon? Then it’s time to try Tanrevel®! With our innovative spray tan technology, you avoid all the ugly streaks, the unpleasant self-tanner smell, and the problem of stains on your clothes.

"This is honestly one of my best beauty tips. Every time I’ve used Tanrevel, people ask me if I’ve been abroad. Perfect to have on Friday when you want to look extra nice for the weekend." – Bianca Ingrosso

"I really get a nice tan and it’s super even, it really doesn’t look unnatural, and my skin gets better after using this little gadget! I’m in love! Never going back to regular self-tanner."

"I love this product! I’ve been using self-tanner for 10 years now. This one smells so good! It doesn’t have that typical self-tanner smell. It goes on evenly and beautifully, and you can really build up the color."

"Love! My new favorite among self-tanners! Easy and quick! Gives a beautiful sun-kissed look!"

Do you also want to revolutionize your sun-kissed look? Here you’ll find Scandinavia’s best-selling spray tan innovation, Tanrevel® Pro.